Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My Christmas deadline

This year would not be complete unless I made something for Christmas.  At least that is the thought in my head right now.  How could I possibly sew everything that I have sewn this year, and not sew a thing for Christmas?  I mean, I want to make something.

So I decided what that something is...BUT I'm not going to tell you until I reveal it by Christmas!  Instead, I will give you some hints though as to what it could be:

First, here are some photos of the fabric I am using

The first one is more festive and appropriately "Christmasy" than the second.  It is 100% cotton, and has pretty red snowflakes and dots on it.

The second one is not as festive, but a more neutral-colored theme on a light blue background.  It is also 100% cotton.

Here are the rest of the hints:

  1. This item comes from the winter 2010 Ottobre design magazine (my new favorite)
  2. It is a unisex gift (can be made for a boy or girl)
  3. One usually associates this item with bedtime.
  4. They come in a pair.

Have you figured out what I am sewing yet?  I really do hope I finish it before Christmas, as this will be my last project for this year! Feel free to guess what I am sewing, and please let me know if you are sewing any last-minute projects for Christmas, as well.

Stay sew-filled!


  1. I can only guess a pair of jammies. The two fabrics are really cute... I look forward to seeing the final result.

  2. I was going to say bathrobe, til you got to "it comes in a pair". It's gotta be pjs!
    Merry Christmas!


Let me know what you think!