Hello everyone!!
My son has made it into this world! These last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of activity since he has gotten here--doctors' visits, meeting older brother and sister, resting and recovering after a long labor, and all the other things that go along with receiving a precious newborn baby into your life!
Here is a photo of him, the day after his birth:
This is baby "J," born July 14th in the morning. He weighed 6 lbs 12 oz., and measured 19 1/2 inches long. Out of all of my labors, his was the most challenging, AND most fulfilling. Why? I pushed for ONE HOUR, 45 MINUTES in order to get him out!! Yes!!! Halfway through I thought he would never come out. My husband lovingly stood by my side, and encouraged me to keep going. He even used an analogy to help. He told me to remember what I do when I hit a wall when running. Remember that I don't give up, I just keep on going. Somehow, that helped me to push through. That, and strength from God because I was TIRED!!!!
Anyhow, when I finally saw our son, I just cried and cried. They were tears of JOY, of course, but also tears of accomplishing something so great! He was worth every difficult moment, and has proven to be such a treasure to our family.

Since his birth I have been recovering physically, as best I can. I must say I honestly forgot about all the aches and pains that you have postpartum! So, I am definitely taking it easy, and getting my rest in where I can.
My kids have been amazing, though. They help out a lot more than I thought they would. It has been sweet to see how tender they are with their little brother, and the awe and wonder they have concerning this new life.
It has been a major change for all of us, but we wouldn't have it any other way.
Stay sew filled!